The Corporation of Brown University
September 1, 2023

Committee on Trustee Vacancies


The Committee on Trustee Vacancies shall advise the Corporation on the nomination of candidates for the Board of Trustees.

Responsibilities and Duties

The Committee on Trustee Vacancies shall in advance of the occurrence of a vacancy on the Board of Trustees for which the Alumni do not nominate, submit to the Corporation a nominee or nominees to fill any and each such vacancy.

The Committee shall, through the Chancellor and the President, coordinate and consult with the President of the Brown Alumni Association regarding the development of the slate of candidates for the Trustee positions for which the Alumni nominate in accordance with the Memorandum of Agreement between the Corporation and the Brown Alumni Association regarding the nomination of Trustees by the Alumni.

The Committee shall oversee and implement the process established and approved by the Corporation regarding the identification and nomination of candidates for the positions of New Alumni Trustees.


The Committee shall consist of the President (secretary), the Chancellor (chair), the Chair of the Governance and Nominating Committee, and the President of the Brown Alumni Association, all ex officio, and approximately six other Trustees.


The Committee shall be staffed by the Senior Associate Secretary of the Corporation.