The Corporation of Brown University
January 1, 2023
Tags Advisory and Executive, Main

Committee on Academic Affairs


The Committee on Academic Affairs shall keep itself fully and currently informed concerning the academic affairs of the University and has oversight responsibility for matters pertaining to the Faculty and the programs of teaching and research pursued in all academic areas across the University. It shall advise the President and the Corporation on academic matters pertaining to undergraduate, graduate, and medical education, and may designate such subcommittees as it deems necessary to deal with these and other academic issues.

Responsibilities and Duties

The Committee shall pay particular attention to policies and priorities for faculty appointments, promotion, retention, and overall staffing levels, including the quality and diversity of appointments and promotions. An assessment of the University’s performance in this area shall be reported annually to the Corporation.

The Committee shall annually (generally at its October meeting) review comparative data on faculty compensation and report recommendations or concerns as necessary to the Corporation and the Committee on Budget and Finance.

The Committee shall receive regular reports from the administration containing assessment information on agreed-upon measures of academic quality. 

The Committee shall receive and discuss reports developed by external review committees of academic departments, programs and centers and may, as a result, make recommendations to the Board of Fellows on the establishment and review of departments and degree programs. 

The Committee shall review and advise on matters relating to the Division of Biology and Medicine, including how they affect the University’s relationships and agreements with hospitals and other health care institutions.

The Committee shall also oversee the general policies and programs of those departments whose chief function is to provide academic support services, including: College Admission, Computing and Information Services, and the University Library.

On an annual basis the Committee shall receive, review and accept risk management plans prepared by the administration in areas appropriate and relevant to the charge of the Committee.


The Committee shall consist of the President and the Chancellor, ex officio, and approximately seventeen members of the Corporation, at least three of whom shall be Fellows.


The Committee shall be staffed by the Provost.